Photos provided by Holle Thee Maxwell & Connie Carroll:
When you mention the name ”HOLLY MAXWELL”, you have mentioned a name that is respected all over the world. She IS “THEE entertainer’s entertainer” and IS better than she has ever been before! Musically, this lady has done it all, traveled everywhere and knows everybody that is somebody and is equally well known by the same somebody’s.
HOLLY MAXWELL at birth was named HOLLE’THEE MAR CLA RO DE’ MAXWELL. She is now using the spelling of her real name HOLLE’THEE MAXWELL. A native of Chicago, Illinois, born October 17th, 1945, HOLLE THEE’ was destined to be one of the world’s greatest entertaining performers.
Holle’ Thee sang her first song at age of five years young professionally. Still, unlike most, she gives all due respect and credit to a higher spiritual power for creating her parents, Marcellus and Eula Thee Gladys, for being her sole inspiration to continue being musical, starting with classical piano and singing opera, in German, French and Italian.
Holle’ Thee to this date, is the only American from African descent to have been presented in concert at THEE age of 12 years young at Chicago’s Lyric Opera House, presented by noteworthy Rev. Dr. Lena McLin and her mother, Eula Thee.
Holle’ Thee has graduated with two master degrees in music, one from Roosevelt University, Chicago Musical College, Chicago, Illinois and the other from the world class Julliard School of Music, New York, New York.
Holle’ Thee was THEE first and only to perform a live show in flight aboard a 747 TWA Jet, going from Chicago to Costa Del Sol, Spain in 1972 to sing for President Franco.
Holle’ Thee replaced Tina Turner with the musical Legendary Ike Turner Review and was the only vocalist that toured with jazz great organist Mr. Jimmy Smith for three years. She has opened shows for The Mighty Dells, The Tempting Temptations, The Spectacular Spinners, Music Legend King Curtis, Legendary comedian/actors Slappy White and Redd Foxx, Pop Music Legends Captain and Tennille, Oscar Award-winning living legend actor Louis Gossett Jr., and too many more to mention.
Holle’ Thee is a favorite on THEE Chicago Blues Festivals, 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2013, 2015.
2014 & 2017 – Inductee into Thee Chicago Blues Hall of Fame.
2015 – Life Time Achievement Award from Chicago Music Awards.
2009, 2011, 2015 – Holle’ Thee represented the Chicago Blues Festivals on popular television station WCIU on “You and Me In The Morning” during the Aly Bockler segment.
2015- Life Time Achievement Award from Chicago Women in The Blues.
June 2015 – Holle’ Thee was featured in a documentary about the “Grandfather of Rock and Roll”, legendary Ike Turner in a television show entitled, “UNSung.”
2016 – Holle’ Thee received a resolution from The City Council / City of Chicago, Mayor Emanuel and Alderwoman Pat Dowell for Holle’ Thee’s seven decades / 65 years devotion in music, also celebrating her 71st birthday.
2023 – Nominated for Literary Award for “Freebase Ain’t Free” by the Black Arts and Culture Alliance of Chicago.
Holle’ Thee represented on poster and all advertising, the first time ever “Women of The Blues”, Coast to Coast Collection of photographs from photographers from all over THEE world photographing women Blues singers from across the country at Firecat Gallery, Chicago, IL, the University of Chicago, to The Blues Museum in St. Louis, Missouri; all produced by Orman Music and Media.
She is a featured part of THEE Chicago Women in THEE Blues 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and with many radio interviews and television appearances under her belt.
Holle’ Thee was the entertainment producer and host of “STRAIGHT TALK PRESENTS MUSIC” on Mondays at www.starplanettv.com.
Holle’ Thee is a graduate model and accomplished songwriter; having written many originals on her CD’s and “Ain’t God Something” for THEE internationally known Blues artist great, legendary Bobby Blue Bland.
THEE Icon, THEE musical living legend, THEE exceptional talents given by God to THEE one and only, Ms. Holle’ Thee Maxwell
Legendary Holle Thee Maxwell…..
GO BANG Magazine: Where were you born and raised and how would you describe your childhood?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: I was born in Chicago at Providence Hospital…..My childhood was filled with music, for my mother was an opera singer. So, I learned to sing opera (classical music) at a very young age..
GO BANG Magazine: Looking back on your incredible seven-decade career, what milestones stand out as most meaningful to you?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: There are so many. Did you read my bio’s, short and Wikipedia? My life with Ike Turner, who they destroyed with Annie Mae’s help, and my singing with jazz organ great Jimmy Smith. Also, being THEE first and last to ever entertain on a TWA flight in THEE air from Chicago to Spain..to perform for President ..Franco….Also I was THEE first Afro American 12 year young child to ever be presented at Civic (Lyric) Opera House singing French, German and Italian. There have been so many wonderful actions of God in my life, I can’t remember and them all!…Just read my stories as they come this year!
GO BANG Magazine: You’ve seamlessly navigated diverse genres throughout your career, from opera to blues. What drives your artistic curiosity and versatility.
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: Thee simplest way to answer that is….I’ve been blessed with an enormous amount of talent and I just was never and will never settle for being less than God intended me to be..I am setting my sites now on being THEE first black senior woman in Country music.
GO BANG Magazine: As the only American of African descent to perform at Chicago’s Lyric Opera House at such a young age, how did that experience shape your perspective on the music industry?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: That experience of being able to sing opera in different languages fluently, enabled me to switch my music into jazz singing very easily, (especially) after being raped by my stepfather and my mother shooting him dead. While singing, she was hand cuffed behind THEE curtains! That had THEE effect on me to change my music from opera to jazz!
GO BANG Magazine: Collaborating with legends like Ike Turner and Jimmy Smith must have been unforgettable. What did you learn from these collaborations that continue to influence your work?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: THEE main thing I learned from them both was to know you’re THEE best and let THEE world know it….while at THEE same time help those that probably won’t appreciate your help…but it makes me feel good to be in a position to help! I just watch now who to help!
GO BANG Magazine: It is your mission to clear Ike Turner’s name. You recount a different man than who is commonly reported in the press. Please describe your friendship with Ike Turner and why it is so important to you to clear his name.
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: Entertainers always, always get a bad rep and especially from those that I ask, “What closet were you hiding in to know all you babble about?” and most too often, they shut up! I know how it feels to be accused falsely. Even now, I go through that with THEE last of so called friends, whom I am slowly eliminating even now…Ike was a musical genius that a self-abusive Annie Mae, along with “white man America” destroyed…. He was given an unjustified bad rep and I will, as long as I live and after my death, keep telling the truth that lies about him, I will not allow to stand!!! Read my book, THEE untold story about Ike, entitled, “Freebase Ain’t Free!” He died and I’ll keep riding with him and his spirit in me We loved each other, spiritually!!! Ike was my Ride or Die!!!!
GO BANG Magazine: What rituals or routines do you use to prepare yourself for a powerful performance?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: There are no rituals that I go through. I am just a natural… No effort! I love what I can do…so i just go and do it! I keep thanking God!
GO BANG Magazine: You’ve captivated audiences worldwide, earning the title of “Queen of Entertaining Entertainers.” What do you consider the essence of true entertainment?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: THEE essence of true entertainment is having THEE natural ability to relate and talk to your audience like they’re family. You must be able to act what you’re singing about and take your audience where you need them to be with you and where you want them to go with you….Just don’t stand there and sing! Anybody can do that! You must be an “Entertaining Entertainer!”
GO BANG Magazine: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who dream of achieving similar success and longevity in their careers?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: First, you must believe in yourself wholeheartedly! Do not allow yourself to be with those unlike yourself! Never allow others’ thoughts about you, if negative, to get in your way! You have to get and stay out of your own way first! Do not allow yourself be be fearful…Be fearless! Tackle challenges! ALLWAYS ALWAYS, CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Reach higher and higher! Success is not what others think of you or defining who you are….as long as you remain what God designed you to be within his creation…you are already successful!!!
GO BANG Magazine: Throughout your journey, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: I have had so many challenges in my life, too many to tell about now…but I overcame them all believing God didn’t create me to be “nothing” with all THEE talent I had and I still have…Read my new book and see my life story documentary entitled, “All Kinds A Rape From Opera to THEE Blues!” when they come out!!! That will tell it all!
GO BANG Magazine: With such a rich experience, you decided to self-publish a book entitled “Freebase Ain’t Free.” Please describe what inspired you to write the book and what it is about.
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: What was done to Ike and what was done to me inspired me to write “Freebase Ain’t Free!” Just how dirty entertainment can be destroying Ike and how others outside of entertainment attempted to destroy me! Thee book is about my life and love for Ike and myself He had my back! I had his!!! Read it when you need THEE truth about us both!
GO BANG Magazine: Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave behind with your music and influence?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: I would love to leave behind a “Black Musicians Matters” Museum behind, telling just our stories with nothing else mixed in, just our musical histories, along with mine .
(Photos below courtesy of Hyde Park Records/Facebook)
GO BANG Magazine: Lastly, on Saturday, February 17, 2024 @ 2pm, you have an event in Hyde Park, Chicago, IL. Please invite our readers to your event as and tell us all about it?
Holle’ Thee Maxwell: THEE event is a book, CD, signing along with THEE sale of BLACK MUSICIAN MATTERS tee shirts. It will be held at Hyde park Records 1377 East 53rd Street Saturday Feb. 17th from 2pm until 5pm// I’ll be signing my book and all my CD’s and THEE tee shirts are from my organization call THEEMaxxeMomMusicGroup@gmail.com Come and see some folks you aint’ seen in along time, if they ain’t dead! Love IS!!! BMM See you soon!
GO BANG Magazine: Well, Holle’ Thee Maxwell, you have now been officially BANGED!!!! GO BANG!!!
You can purchase “FREEBASE AIN’T FREE” book at: https://holletheemaxwell.love/merch
You can follow Holle’ Thee Maxwell online at:
Holle’ Thee Maxwell on Wikipedia: