Lofiet Brown was born in CHicago on November 8, 1975. He became interested in music at an early age. Being inspired by his father and aunt, who would DJ at parties, Lofiet became instantly hooked and fell in love with music.

Lofiet’s mother became saved early in life and started taking Lofiet to church. In church, they both really enjoyed the Gospel style of music so he decided to become a choir member. As Lofiet sat in the pues, he understood the melodic trance of the Gospel sound. The arrangement of the music excited him and he knew at that moment that he wanted to be a part of, “The Gospel,” not only as a hobby, a job, or career, but a lifestyle.

As time went on, Lofiet joined a group called Soun2erff which created an underground sound with their hit song, “Overtime” aka “The Chicago Slide.” Although Lofiet was engaged in different genres and different styles of music, Gospel has always touched him in a special way. This inspired him to launch the Get Down Gospel Record Label. This brand brings soultry, R&B, Hip/hop, and a Funk style of Gospel that will touch and heal the hearts of many who are looking for something that the world can’t offer them.

Once the enemy realized that Lofiet was (is) determined to complete his destiny for Christ, it appears that the enemy wanted to test Lofiet’s faith as he was diagnosed with renal failure that has advanced to stage 4. However, Lofiet will not give up or give in. He puts his trust in God for his healing through God’s hand, or through the hand of a surgeon, as he is on the kidney transplant list.

With music being the international language, the artists of Get Down Gospel will be able to speak to those in search of that personal fulfilment that they have not been able to find in the world through other music. As CEO of the Get Down Gospel label, Lofiet expresses that… “Get Down Gospel Music is an inexplicable feeling that you will have to experience for yourself.”
Mark 16:14-15 states…14) Afterwards he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. 15) And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Lofiet Brown, CEO of Get Down Gospel Music, has accepted the call and is well on his way to complete the purpose of his journey!

GO BANG! Magazine: Have you always been interested in Gospel music or were you once involved with other styles of music?

Lofiet Brown: I grew up in the church, so Gospel music has always been a part of my life. However, I’m a product of the “old school” my father and aunt used to DJ when I was growing up. Therefore, I have always been around many genres of music. So, I have also done R&B and Dance as well.

GO BANG! Magazine: Gospel music has a traditional and a contemporary style. Which style inspires you the most and why?

Lofiet Brown: Contemporary inspires me most because of its modern sound. Although I was raised on the traditional sound.

GO BANG! Magazine: Get Down Gospel Records is a label that you created. What is the mission of your label, your dream for the label, and who are some of your artists?

Lofiet Brown: Get Down Gospel Music’s mission is to continue to give the best quality music to our listeners, fans, and Christian family. Whether it’s Gospel House, Traditional, Contemporary or any other genre, we strive to keep giving the best product. We are committed to excellence, while delivering the Lord’s music.

My dream for my label is to be a pioneer in this style of music. To be the foundation for developing new ways to express the Gospel sound.

Currently, our featured artists are Madiline Hicks and Bernetta Donalson. However, we are currently in talks with new talent and we hope to soon make them a part of the Get Down Gospel family.

GO BANG! Magazine: How did you find out that you had Stage 4 renal failure and how did you initially react upon learning of this diagnosis?

Lofiet Brown: I was at work, and did not feel myself. I was sluggish and my body was in a lot of pain. After work, I went straight to the hospital. After running various tests, I was informed that I had no kidney function. My soul dropped to the floor.

GO BANG! Magazine: There are only 5 stages to renal kidney failure. Learning of your advanced kidney failure must have given you a new zest for life. Please explain to our readers how this devastating diagnosis empowered or handicapped you.

Lofiet Brown: It has been life changing. My first dialysis treatment, I was in a room with three other patients. They were a lot older than me and did not appear to have life left inside of them. I found myself crying throughout the treatment. I felt like my life was over. I was so messed up in the head. I told my girlfriend (who is now my wife), to leave me and find someone else.

I tried to work, but my body couldn’t handle it. I have lost 100 pounds up to this point. This condition has your body and mind going through multiple changes. You have to watch your diet, fluid intake, and if you are not strong-minded you can quickly become depressed. I try to stay productive. I am constantly working on my label, researching new sounds, and I have also started writing. I refuse to let this disease beat me.

GO BANG! Magazine: Organ donations and transplants are the difference between life and death for you. Are you on any kidney lists and what would you say to people that are afraid to be organ donors?

Lofiet Brown: I’ve been on the transplant list for five years. I don’t believe people are afraid to be living donors, those are the ones who choose to donate, most often to a loved one or someone they know. I believe that the fear is about having their body destroyed for someone they don’t even know.
I just want to say that so many lives can be saved by one sacrifice. Although that person’s life may be over, their donation (life) will continue to live on by impacting the recipient and their family’s lives for many more years to come.

GO BANG! Magazine: Meeting you was a total random act of God. We just happen to meet and strike up a conversation on Facebook four years ago. That led to further discussion about your music career, which just recently led to your current medical condition and new song. I felt the desire to present you to the world, and share with them the inspiration and spirit that I felt beaming from you. What is your purpose for granting me this interview?

Lofiet Brown: I believe that my story can be an inspiration for others not to give up. I know God has a purpose for my life. I hope that I can be a positive example of following your passion, no matter what obstacles you may face.

GO BANG! Magazine: Your new Gospel workout song, “Let’s Work” has workout moves that go along with the song. Please tell our readers about this new song, how it was born, and the public response that you hope it receives.

Lofiet Brown: The song was inspired by the legendary DJ Slugo. DJ Slugo sent me the track as a gift. He created a sound with my label name in the track. I loved it so much that we spoke about making it into a workout track. Honestly, the track sat on the shelf for almost two years, due to my health issues.

Fortunately, God started giving me production ideas. I knew I had to call a super-talented producer that I know, Eric “Ignatus” Keyes. We have done music in the past, so I was confident that we could do something great. We put our heads together and came out with this wonderful track.
I’m hoping this will take over the world like a Tsunami. They say you have to hear a song at least three times before it really registers in your head, so I’m asking people to keep it on replay, LOL! There is also a video coming very soon.

GO BANG! Magazine: Everyone wants to leave a positive legacy. What do you want the world to remember most about you as your legacy?

Lofiet Brown: I want my legacy to be that I was a genuine person who tried to help all those I could by touching their lives in a positive way.

GO BANG! Magazine: The COVID-19 pandemic has caught the world off guard. How are you dealing with it?

Lofiet Brown: Like everyone else, I am trying to stay safe by sanitizing, social distancing and only going out when necessary. For me, I have to be extremely careful and cautious with my current health issues. I truly understand how serious the pandemic is, and unfortunately it has hit close to home. I have had multiple family members pass due to the Covid-19 virus. I pray everyone stays healthy and safe during this uncertain time.

GO BANG! Magazine: On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill. Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, knelt on Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down, begging for his life and repeatedly saying “I can’t breathe.” This incident has caused civil unrest and massive protests across the world. How do you feel about this unfortunate situation and call for police reform due to the horrible treatment of minorities by the police?

Lofiet Brown: As a black man, it was very upsetting to watch. It really saddens me that nothing much has changed in the way we are perceived from back in the 60’s by many (not all) police. There have been many protests from then until now, but I do believe there needs to be something more done along with the protest. New laws and guaranteed accountability need to be seen for things to improve. Perpetrators have to know there will be consequences for biases and unfair treatment on a harsher level when you have been sworn to serve and protect ALL MANKIND.

You can follow Lofiet Brown & Get Down Gospel Music on ALL social media:

@LofietBrown & @GetDownGospel Music

LISTEN TO “Let Work”:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1m6vFKORqw

PURCHASE: “Let’s Work” :  https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lofiet-brown/1488648888

Pierre A. Evans is a freelance writer of Entertainment, Music, Art, Culture, Fashion and Current Events, and previously for SoulTrain.com, NDigo.com, ChicagoDefender.com, EmpireRadioMagazine.com, and UrbanMuseMag.com, an author, singer/songwriter, actor, model, poet, dancer, and DJ. He is also the owner of Pinnacle Entertainment Productions. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram

7 thoughts on “Music: LOFIET BROWN (Gospel House)

  1. Montoria Pankey says:

    So inspiring Lofiet. Your amazing in gifted .May GOD bless you openly and ABUNDANTLY.

  2. Lynn White says:

    I am super excited for my co-laborer (Lofiet Brown) in the Gospel Music Industry. I am a native of Chicago where House Music was founded. Lofiet has been a creative genius by combining two of my favorite styles of music! I am super excited to spend this hot track on my radio station!!!

  3. Charles Moore says:

    I’ve seen you go thru it all and no matter what you kept fighting and never gave up even at times you wanted to. You’re a conquerer and you won’t accept defeat and that’s what I admire about you the most my friend. You’re one of God’s STRONGEST Warrior’s brother keep up the good work and stay blessed.

  4. Brother is a wonderful thing to see your story. You’ve always had this special drive and passion for music. I remember we would have these long conversations about music and musical ideas that you would always share at a previous employer. Even while working at a job you hated, you still had this drive in you towards a bigger picture in your life. Which is evident today. So I’m super excited that you discovered you passion/purpose and acted on it. Not everyone has the ability to figure that out. So that in itself is a wonderful thing. I just want to say I’m proud of you brother and what your going to contribute to the world.

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