Photo credit: Angieski
For 30 years, Robbi’s been treating Promotion as an art form! He puts his heart and soul into every aspect. His innovative and evolving marketing strategies, captivating social media posts, and engaging content truly captures the essence of events, which generates significant buzz among a target audience.
Robbi The Promoter is based in New York City. He currently promotes dance parties (in and outside of New York), websites, clothing, dance music videos + releases, and is affectionately known as the “5 Time Award-Winning Best Promoter”, winning Undergroundarchives’ Best Promoter award five years in a row (2000-2005). His promotional reach extends from Chicago to Philly, Miami and beyond.
He also “shops” music to labels and has played a major part “raising” (promoting/managing) a few DJs, from the ground up, such as Ian Friday, Mr. V, Alix Alvarez, Adam Rios + Mark Francis, and Miguel Ortiz, just to name a few.
His managing and promoting has single-handedly made Chicago legends DJ Wayne Williams and DJ Alan King more popular in New York and cities outside of Chicago.
He’s also a “filter” for DJs, which simply means that promoters from all over contact him to book DJs which in turn he refers them to the actual DJ or their booking agents.
He has a blast doing all this, all day, which makes his “pro” life pretty much his personal life.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: Looking back on your 30 years as a promoter, what has been the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry?
Robbi: The internet is the most significant change in the industry. In the past, I did everything manually. I’ve moved on from passing out flyers. I had created a system of starting off putting flyers in stores in Brooklyn, jumping on the train to Manhattan and hitting clothing and record stores from east to west side, and I had to visit press offices and radio shows to have events advertised. So, all this leg work was replaced by the internet…we have way more reach online.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What has been your proudest accomplishment as a promoter?
Robbi: I don’t think I have the proudest moment, but my on ongoing proud moments are seeing packed venues with DJs and folks having fun.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out as a Promoter?
Robbi: First live, love and learn as much history as possible when it comes to the product or music. Second, be very humble. Third, for the new folks, (not just promoters in House music), please avoid spending all day making posts, coming off like you’re God’s gift to House music and avoiding publicly validating talented people who’ve been here way longer than you have. You look stupid doing it.
As for actual promoting, you make the rules. Be very creative, do research and come up with formulas. It all starts with common sense.
Last, avoid coming off like you’re desperate to get ahead. You’re gonna wear yourself right out of business. Getting ahead takes time. Folks need to see more work, and less attitude.
Photo credit: Jose Gonzalez
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned in your career?
Robbi: One big lesson I learned is to see how people are from the gate. Of course, it takes time to learn. Some people are just down right no good. So, I’m quick to avoid and quicker to cut individuals off.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What are some of the most memorable events you’ve promoted over the years?
Robbi: Back in 2002, Timmy Regisford allowed me to throw a big birthday party at Shelter. I think we had around 1800 heads in attendance that night. Then, 16 years of marketing the Chosen Few Picnic. Same for Collective Minds in Baltimore. Also, helped with many WMC (Winter Music Conference) parties. The most memorable one was the Master’s At Work parties at Opium Garden in Miami.
GO BANG1 MAGAZINE: What do you see as the future of the promotion industry?
Robbi: It’s already evolving fast. Right now, popular DJs and venues have huge and still growing platforms on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. That eliminates the Marketing person. So, yea it’s going to be an interesting future.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What are you most passionate about outside of your work as a promoter?
Robbi: Being with, and the well-being of my fiancé, watching movies, playing mixes from different DJs daily, (I try my best to avoid being a sheep), travelling and more travelling.
Photo credit: Jamal Harris
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What does celebrating 30 years in the industry mean to you?
Robbi: I have thick skin, so celebrating it feels like nothing. But, posting about it is a form of business, in terms of an effort to attract more marketing jobs.
GO BANG! MAGAZINE: What are you looking forward to in the next 30 years?
Robbi: lol…Just promoting. I like working on my own time, with zero micromanagers or folks breathing down my neck.
Follow Rob @robbipromoter05 on Instagram
Photo credit: Chris Jung