Ira Childs was born and raised in Chicago. Ira’s love for film started at the age of 8. Soon after, his love for film turned to the pursuit of a dream career. Ira attended Columbia College Chicago where he earned a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. Ira has worked on a few major productions such as “The Lake House,” “Roll Bounce,” “American Inventor,” and “American Idol.” Ira hopes his story telling through the film medium can inspire others to do the same.

GO BANG! Magazine: How did you get involved in writing movies?

Ira Childs: I got into writing movies when I went to Columbia College Chicago. I initially went to get the necessary tools to become a successful film director. I soon realized after taking a few screenwriting classes that I really enjoyed the writing process.

GO BANG! Magazine: As a screenwriter, what types of films are you interested in making?

Ira Childs: Honestly I’m interested in making all types of films. If I had to boil it down to just one, it would be the horror genre. I used to sneak and watch the 80’s and 90’s horror films with my older brother. I would be petrified, yet I couldn’t stop watching. So from that point on, I was hooked.

GO BANG! Magazine: For our readers that may not be familiar with the duties of a Screenwriter, Producer and Director, can you please explain what screenwriters and directors do and what you find most interesting about doing it.

Ira Childs: Well, Screenwriters duties include developing the story, characters, plot and theme.

The Producer is more so the overseer of the filmmaking process. The Producer’s role can be broken down even more, depending on if they are line producer or a creative producer. The Line Producer’s role is limited to the production of the film. The Creative Producer is involved in the film from its beginning until it reaches the market/audience, and even beyond.

A film Director controls a film’s artistic and dramatic aspects, as well as visualizes the script, while guiding the crew and actors in the fulfilment of that vision. The director also has the role in choosing the cast, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking. The most interesting part for me is watching how an idea that was written onto paper can be interpreted into this whole new world for people to enjoy. It just floors me every single time.

GO BANG! Magazine: When did you know that filmmaking was what you wanted to do?

Ira Childs: I knew filmmaking was what I wanted to do after watching 1988’s Killer Clowns from Outer Space. Yes, it’s a B movie, but at the same time this film got me hooked. I became so curious as to how these Clowns were doing all these things. The make-up, monster effects and sfx, I knew I wanted to do something just like that when I got older.

GO BANG! Magazine: What in your opinion is the most important quality in a film director?

Ira Childs: It’s a tie for me between being decisive and being a problem solver. You are constantly making decisions throughout the filmmaking process. From cast wardrobe to actually finding who would be best for the film. So having the ability to make those tough decisions is a skill a director needs. Not everything will go right on your film set, so having the ability to figure things out on the fly will get you a long way.

GO BANG! Magazine: Imagine this…if you had the opportunity to write your own blockbuster movie. You could choose the Producer, Director and Actors of your choice. What would your movie be about, who would you choose to be involved and why?

Ira Childs: Wesley Snipes and Denzel Washington would be my two actors. Jerry Bruckheimer would produce the film and Antonie Fuqua would direct. The film would be about two aging cops who can’t seem to let the badge go. The acting ability between the two actors is unforgettable in every way. I think they would bring so many great ideas to the table to make these characters great in every way. Antonie and Bruckheimer have a phenomenal grip on the action genre that would amp this film to the next level.

GO BANG! Magazine: Who inspires or motivates you?

Ira Childs: My mom inspires/motivates me. Seeing her go through her struggles and never giving up on her dreams to become a business owner just amazes me. She’s my biggest cheerleader as well.

GO BANG! Magazine: What advice would you give to a young person trying to get involved in the film industry?

Ira Childs: The advice I would give to a young person trying to get into the industry is to read and write as many scripts as you possibly can. Also don’t let the lack of money be the reason you don’t chase after your dreams. You’d be surprised how many no-budget films have started the career of people. It’s like the commercial says, “just do it!”

GO BANG! Magazine: Are you currently working on any new projects? If so, please describe.

Ira Childs: Yes, we’re currently working on a few projects. One in particular is a horror/thriller film entitled “FURY.” Fury is about a bereaved mother seeking revenge on the person responsible for her daughter’s murder. This film is currently in post-production.

GO BANG! Magazine: In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has caught the world off guard. How are you dealing with it?

Ira Childs: I make sure I’m keeping my face covered, my hands clean and practicing social distancing. I work from home now, so this change has taken some getting used to, but I’m sure I will get used to it.

You can follow The Splatter Brothers on ALL social media platforms.

Pierre A. Evans is a freelance writer of Entertainment, Music, Art, Culture, Fashion and Current Events, and previously for,,,, and, an author, singer/songwriter, actor, model, poet, dancer, and DJ. He is also the Owner of Pinnacle Entertainment Productions and the Owner/Publisher of GO BANG! Magazine. Follow him on Facebook @Pierre Andre Evans, Twitter @Playerre, and on Instagram @Pierre_Andre_Evans.


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