I debuted my magazine on April 1, 2020 and these past 6 months have been spectacular. I want to thank EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU for your support and feedback. Your encouragement keeps me motivated to continue doing what I do and bringing you more in-depth and BANGIN’ interviews! THANK YOU!
In early 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to publish GO BANG! Magazine. I wanted to create a platform designed to be an informational, educational and entertainment resource, providing the reader with in-depth reporting on groundbreaking people, places and events, that are making positive differences in the world. I wanted the coverage to run the gamut, from the Arts to Science, and from Technology to Night Life.
In March 2020, the CORONAVIRUS hit the United States of America. The ENTIRE PLANET was banished to their homes. Everyone was afraid and confused. It was at this point in time that I knew it was time to debut my magazine. The WORLD needed something to soothe their minds, just like comfort food soothes your spirit. They also had plenty of time to read. So I decided to debut in April, which also happens to be my birth month.
GO BANG! Magazine has interviewed local, national and international DJs, Musicians, Producers, Comedians, Actors, Artists, Dancers, Models, Designers, Screenwriters, Authors, Community Activists, Entrepreneurs and people like YOU!
The individuals that we decide to interview are sometimes well-known, but sometimes they are unknown. I use this platform to give a spotlight to those that may not be part of “pop culture” but need attention brought to them, based on their positive contribution to this place we call Earth.
LOG ON NOW: http://www.GoBangMagazine.com
Scroll through the menu tab at the top of page (in white) and you will see the VARIOUS CATEGORIES of interviews. All of the articles are not posted on the HOME page. To see the entire catalog of interviews, you must go through each category individually.
GO BANG! Magazine brings you the latest Entertainment, News, People & Events…with SWAG!
1. Have you enjoyed the in-depth interviews that I have presented to you in my magazine?
2. Which interviews have you liked most?
3. WHO would you like GO BANG! Magazine to interview next?
LOG ON NOW: http://www.GoBangMagazine.com
Helen Evans says:
Congratulations to GO BANG! Magazine’s 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY! Your original mission was to devise a meaningful way to inform, educate, and entertain the reader with individualistic persons, places and events. GO BANG! Magazine has covered an array of diverse topics and people. The magazine has definitely accomplished it’s mission. I have been entertained and informed of known and unknown subjects and events with each issue. Here’s wishing GO BANG! Magazine another 6 months of success!
Helen LaNoyette Evans says:
Pierre A. Evans, anytime President Barack Obama is amazed by your efforts to take care of your community, especially during the pandemic, you have to be exceptionally appreciative. He continues to get the message out for everyone to VOTE, VOTE VOTE!