by: WGN Web Desk
Posted: Apr 26, 2020 / 11:50 AM CDT / Updated: Apr 26, 2020 / 12:28 PM CDT
CHICAGO – Video of a house party Saturday night on the West Side has gone viral and caused concern among residents.
The video, uploaded by Tink Purcell, has reached nearly 40,000 shares in less than a day.
VIDEO LINK: https://wgntv.com/news/coronavirus/viral-video-shows-large-house-party-on-south-side-amid-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR2SmAt0HJ0UJkBs5k_BOBAZlEECxZ1jSP4p5BZiGejHn_5YGKGGWBaQ528
Chicago police could not confirm the location of the party, but many residents have told WGN it took place somewhere on the West Side.
The top comment in the Facebook video mentions how there are too many people at the party. WGN received several tips from viewers expressing their dismay.
“This upsets me because everyone is thinking about themselves and not others that they may be spreading it to,” said Chicago resident Jayna Lynn. “Death just doesn’t seem like something to be serious about to most during this pandemic.”
The virus has disproportionately affected the South and West Sides with the African American community making up 46% of death in the city.
WGN plans to ask Gov. Pritzker if he has seen the video in his 2:30 p.m. coronavirus update.
Warning: This video is uncensored. Viewer discretion is advised.