You never cease to amaze me, Pierre.
You, working hand in hand with your family, your friends, your neighbors … you always prove the power and resiliency of the American people.
In the midst of a global pandemic, you have gone the extra mile to take care of your community. You have taken to the streets to nonviolently demand justice and seek change. And now, during what might be the most consequential election in our lifetimes, you are standing up for a better America. An America where no one is unseen, no one is unheard, and no one is left behind.
In our darkest hours, we come together as a nation to lift each other up. This November, we must come together again to elect new leaders who will move our country forward, not further into the darkness. Now, we must make sure that our friends, family, and neighbors all have their voices heard.
And so I want to ask you a favor: Will you pledge to remind three friends to vote by November 3?
It’s a simple ask, but it goes a long way, giving an extra nudge to those we care about to make sure that they have a say in what our future becomes. It’s been proven that a simple reminder from a friend can significantly increase the likelihood of someone voting.
The leaders we elect matter, Pierre. Affordable health care, criminal justice reform, a stronger economy, and the willingness to acknowledge and address climate change matter. Each of us knows the urgency of this moment. Where we go as a nation will be determined by the choices we make in this election: whether we approach the future with fear, or with hope.
After all this time, I still have hope. I have hope that the American people will come together and build a brighter future, not just for ourselves but for generations to come.
Take the pledge to remind three friends to vote by November 3.
Then text your group chat, post on social media, call your family members, and let your neighbors know that their vote is power. And let the team at MoveOn help you follow up with proven tactics to help voters get to the polls, get ballots in, and get votes counted.
Thank you.
–Barack Obama
eerolex.com says:
awesome article, i love it