Photos courtesy of Singles Films and Music Entertainment
In the past 5 years, writer, director, and producer Billy Ray Valentine has entertained us with his visions. With streaming phenomenons such as “LIL CEASAR“, “ROSELAND“, “MAGIC“, “THE WALK OF RUFUS 1&2“, and “A MASQUERADE TRAPP“, Mr. Valentine now brings to the forefront a compelling riveting story about survival and the streets of Chicago’s nightlife. He brings us the tale of a young man, by the name of Kahmil, who leads a gang from the streets of Gary, Indiana. They’re on a journey of life and death, trying to escape the streets of Chicago to make it back home to Indiana.
“UNITED NATIONS” gives you a wrong look into life in the streets of Chicago’s gang activity. These young men race against time and survival, in an effort to make it back home. The film also gives you a look at the powerful impact of all gangs coming together, unifying as one for peace, for the sake of righteousness and justice, for those that have been targeted unjustly by the justice system, and murdered by those who are here to “serve and protect.”
When asked why this film was so important to Billy, he stated, “I wanted to show what WE could be as a whole, on a positive note. I also wanted to point out and expose the injustices in America to African-American and minorities in this country. UNITED NATIONS is a film based on a reality that once was and is no longer. So, I decided to create something that would reach out to you and show familiarity with life in the streets of urban cities across America.“
“Slated to be released this month, “UNITED NATIONS” will definitely have you biting your nails and gripping the edge of your seat. It is a film with true passion and severe reality.” – Pierre Andre’ Evans – Publisher/GO BANG! Magazine
Billy Ray Valentine was born in Chicago, brought up in the Englewood community, and has actually survived that harsh reality of games, drugs and unjust crimes against his Black America. The film stars David Penn (RIP), Julian T. Allen, and Max Julian. Billy Ray goes on to explain why this film was so important for him to finish, “…because there were so many obstacles and adversity to overcome while shooting the film. In addition to that, two more cast members sadly lost their lives while shooting the movie, due to senseless gun violence, Yaeyo Royae’l (RIP) & Nsg Bosschav (RIP).“
Upcoming projects from Singles Film and Music Entertainment are scheduled for release early and mid next year. Be on the lookout for these exciting projects written, produced, and directed by the multi-talented Billy Ray Valentine.
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