Many thanks to everyone who supported and participated in Part 1 of our RSD / One Year Anniversary celebration! Despite a short burst of heavy rain, we couldn’t have asked for a better day for digging 🙂 If you missed the event, check out the recap here, so many good records were waiting to be found!
Part Two is coming up soon (July 17th) and we’ve got another stacked lineup of live music, vinyl only DJ sets, and record vendors waiting for you! Featuring a live performance by Megiapa (3pm)
Saturday July 17th, 2021
@ Silver Room
1506 E 53rd St
Chicago, IL
Featuring thousands of records, new and used, in all formats and genres, from local, independent record dealers!
Miyagi Records (WE WILL NOT BE VENDING AT THIS EVENT) | South Rhodes Records | Beverly Phono Mart | Jaytoo
Live Performance by: Megiapa
DJ Sets by: K.Max, Uncle El, La Queen, Shazam Bangles, & Trew
Free to everyone, all ages welcome! Come say hi and grab a record or 2!