On November 24, 2019, I accepted an offer for my dream job with a radio station, as a freelance writer and social media manager. This was my first time fully pursuing my dream of being self-employed, so I took a leap of faith and accepted the position, as a side hustle to my main job. I could work from home as well. Everything was going well on the dream job. I felt that the job was secure and it was paying twice the pay as my main job. I continued doing both jobs and on December 20, 2019 I went on vacation from my main job.
From December 20th throughout the holiday season, I was on cloud nine, loving my new career. While on vacation from my main job, I had time to really think about what I wanted to do. I decided that I was sick of my regular “9 to 5” and I should pursue my dream full-time. My new dream job was a part of the iHeart Media family.
On January 6, 2020, when I returned from vacation to my main job, I submitted my letter of resignation, effective immediately. I was fully self-employed. Unfortunately, the next day, my dream job let me go, due to a massive and nationwide iHeart Media lay-off. Last hired, first fired. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Yesterday, I had two jobs and today I have NO job! Fortunately, I was eligible for Unemployment Compensation.
Since I’m home and got free time, I decided that now that I am unemployed and have plenty of free time, this would be the best time to go on a vacation. What better place to go, to lift my spirits, than New Orleans, Mardi Gras, on Fat Tuesday! So that’s what I did…me and my homie. From February 23, 2020 thru Wednesday February 26, 2020 I had a ball. This time included Fat Tuesday, February 25th. I had a great time, but I found that the people and the city were too slow for me. I’m high spirited and swift-minded and I found the city to be too laid back for me. So, I won’t be retuning there.
When I returned home, I learned of the Coronavirus and that it was spreading very fast in New Orleans. Luckily, I’d left just in time and didn’t really interact with many people, because I wasn’t feeling the city, as I stated already. All of my loved ones and friends reached out to me to make sure that I wasn’t sick. I wasn’t. Thank God!
Now it’s March 2020. On March 11, 2020 the Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. On March 13, 2020 a national emergency was declared in the United States concerning the COVID-19 Outbreak. The world has been shut down and everyone is locked down in their homes. WTF!!!
Now back at home during this time off, and with me already being a published writer, I wanted to kick it up a notch and start my own online magazine. I have always wanted to do that, but never had the time to invest in starting it. NOW I HAD THE TIME! The world is on lockdown! I pivoted from being an author to being a publisher.
The purpose of my magazine would be to enlighten my readers with stories, people and events that are making POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLD, highlighting known and unknown individuals and events.
So, on April 1, 2020 I launched the first issue of my magazine, GO BANG! Magazine, (www.GoBangMagazine.com) with NO START UP MONEY and NO publishing EXPERIENCE. Having worked with historic and iconic media outlets such as The Chicago Defender Newspaper, N’Digo Magapaper and the Soul Train brand, I was fully groomed to start my own. All I had was a vision, passion and a dream! I would now be the CEO, Publisher, Senior Editor and Journalist, as well as the Promoter and Publicist.
April was just one month after COVID-19 was categorized as a pandemic. As I said, the world shut down, so the timing of my magazine couldn’t have been better. Everybody was at home and had nothing to do. Why not read GO BANG! Magazine?
September 2020 marked GO BANG! Magazine’s six-month anniversary. At this point, GO BANG! Magazine had been received overwhelmingly great across the planet, not just here in the United States. GO BANG! Magazine is global and includes readers in United Kingdom, China, Nigeria, Australia, Germany, Spain, France, Japan, Saint Lucia and United Arab Emirates. WOW, WOW & WOW!!!
I’m told that the public loves the in-depth interviews and the people that I select to interview. Many of the interviewees have commented on how they love the way I conduct the interviews, which are via email, the questions asked, and how they are allowed to fully express themselves, with no restrictions.
November 2020, I accepted a job with the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership as a Lead Contact Tracer. I had always wanted to help rid the world of this deadly pandemic, and now I had the chance. This was a work-from-home position, so it wouldn’t interfere with publishing my magazine. My Contact Tracing duties include: leading 16 Contact Tracers in contacting individuals that may have been exposed to COVID-19 thru close contact with a COVID-19 infected individual and provide them with information and guidance to interrupt/reduce the ongoing transmission of the disease by obtaining symptom information, advising them to self-quarantine and to monitor their health, assisting exposed individuals in getting tested, connecting individuals to resources and support during self-quarantine and self-isolation.
March 2021, I initiated accepting promotional ads and offering sponsorship packages to individuals and businesses. As of now, ads are my focus. In the near future, as the world opens back up, I will focus on GO BANG! Magazine sponsored events, and therefore my focus will be more on soliciting sponsorship packages.
April 1, 2021: Celebrating ONE YEAR of publication, GO BANG! Magazine has achieved what many other media outlets haven’t. April 1, 2021 marks the ONE YEAR Anniversary of GO BANG! Magazine! In that one year, GO BANG! Magazine has become the reliable source for in-depth interviews and an internationally global successful medium. The magazine has interviewed hundreds of celebrities and everyday individuals. It proudly boasts, having readers from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, China, Italy, Nigeria, Australia, Germany, Spain, France, Japan, Saint Lucia and several other countries.
In addition to that, GO BANG! Magazine is now offering reasonably priced monthly AD SPACE and seeking SPONSORSHIP opportunities for businesses and/or individuals interested in sponsoring upcoming events produced by the GO BANG! Magazine brand.
In addition to the magazine, I have also launched a newsletter which creates a database of my readers and followers. I have sister sites of the magazine on all social media platforms as well. With all of these platforms, it has given me an audience to promote and sell merchandise, as well as fundraise. I have created promotional facemasks, hats and shirts with the GO BANG! Magazine logo on it! The items have been received positively by the public and sales have been great!
I am proud, amazed, thrilled and thankful for the first year of GO BANG! Magazine and I look forward to more years to come.
What I have learned during this wonderful journey is that you must be creative, be persistent, trust yourself, have faith, hang in for the long-haul, be flexible and always be willing to learn more about your field of business.
I had a DREAM…
COVID-19 Pandemic gave me TIME…
GOD gave me the GIFT to……
Thank you ALL for your past, present and future support!!!!
Pierre A. Evans is a freelance writer of Entertainment, Music, Art, Culture, Fashion and Current Events, and previously for: SoulTrain.com, NDigo.com, ChicagoDefender.com, EmpireRadioMagazine.com, and UrbanMuseMag.com, an author, singer/songwriter, actor, model, poet, dancer, and DJ. He is also the owner of Pinnacle Entertainment Productions. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram
Helen Evans says:
The year 2020 could be looked upon as one of the most disastrous years ever. But for you, it has been an interesting roller coaster of events. From a vacation to self-employment. From briefly being self-employment to unemployment. Never allowing yourself to be inactive for very long, you came up with an idea of becoming the owner and publisher of an online magazine. Now, one year later, Covid-19 has given you the opportunity to turn this idea into “a dream come true.” What a blessing from God!
Helen Evans says:
Congratulations to GO BANG MAGAZINE 1-year Anniversary!
Thank YOU!
Mom, thanks for those kind and inspiring words. I turned lemons into a big ole jug of lemonade. I’m glad that you are still with us, to be able to see me make my dreams come true. I LUV YOU!
eerolex.com says:
awesome post, i like it