On June 19, 1865, enslaved African-Americans in Galveston, Texas, were told they were free. Now, 155 years later, people in cities and towns across the U.S. continue to mark the occasion with celebrations.
This Friday, June 19th, is Juneteenth, an annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. To honor this solemn anniversary and to demand continued work toward true liberation for black people in this country, hundreds of thousands of people will take to the streets in a national day of action organized by Black-led groups on the front lines of this fight.
We will remember …
George Floyd
Breonna Taylor
Ahmaud Arbery
Rem’mie Fells
Riah Milton
Tony McDade
Rayshard Brooks
Oluwatoyin Salau
And the countless other Black lives lost to police brutality and racist violence.
Continue supporting those who have been taking to the streets since the brutal killing of George Floyd. It has brought together millions of voices amplifying calls for justice for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
Looking beyond this Friday, there are two ways you can have the most impact: (1) demanding accountability and divestment from politicians, including many Democrats, who have accepted money from police unions, and (2) supporting the critical work to defund bloated and violent police departments while investing in real solutions for community safety.
We cannot afford to lose the momentum that organizers have worked to gain over the past few weeks toward making real progress to reduce police violence.