#FuckCoronaVirus #ReadBooks #StayHome #SaveLives
While you’re quarantined… take this time to do some reading!!!
Check out GO BANG! Magazine’s founder, Pierre Andre’ Evans’ CELEBRITY INTERVIEW book “Inside The Minds Of Entertainers.” Dedicated to the late Cuba Gooding, Sr., who was also interviewed weeks before his death. He probed deep into the mind of well-known Hollywood celebrities, revealing their spiritual, political and psychological thoughts. You thought you may have new them…but you have no idea!
“A GREAT READ” – Damon Williams, Comedian
Website: https://insidethemindsof.com/
Available on Amazon
BOOK link: https://www.amazon.com/Inside-Mind-Entertainers-Thought-Provoking-Celebrities/dp/197785446X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12VLD13KY0O4S&dchild=1&keywords=inside+the+mind+of+entertainers&qid=1586469698&sprefix=INSIDE+THE+MIND+OF+ENTER%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-1