GO BANG! Magazine: You were the website designer for GO BANG! Magazine. I think that you did a great job. How would you describe your experience?

Zachary Coulter: It was a great experience actually. Meeting Pierre was great! He has a lot of energy and is one of the biggest Househeads I know.

GO BANG! Magazine: When did you know that you had a talent with computers?

Zachary Coulter: I knew I had a talent with computers at a very young age. At first, it started off with a love for the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, but that led me to play computer games. There was a point when I was on the computer all day, and at that point I began to know the ins and out of a computer.

GO BANG! Magazine: Where did you receive your training, and what type of training did you receive?

Zachary Coulter: Most of my training simply came from self-teaching. Playing around with computers and internet research is where I gained the bulk of my knowledge. I also have attended classes for various IT certifications and surround myself with IT Specialists.

GO BANG! Magazine: Besides website design, what other type of computer work do you do?

Zachary Coulter: When it comes to technology, in general, I am a teacher. Anything you need to know about software or hardware I’m your guy. Also, I can build computers. For me, it’s like putting a puzzle together.

GO BANG! Magazine: I understand that you are also into podcasting. You recently launched a podcast. What is your podcast about and how can readers reached it?

Zachary Coulter: I have two podcasts. “Perspectives: Love, Life, Relationships” which is where every podcast is a subject related to dating and life, and “Perspectives: G-Double-3-K” where we talk about movies, tv shows, video games, anime, etc. You can find both of these podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts/Play, Spotify and iHeartRadio.

GO BANG! Magazine: Do you have any other talents besides the ones we have spoken of?

Zachary Coulter: I love to read people and situations. I’m always motivated to see what kind of people I’m interacting with.

GO BANG! Magazine: To someone starting out in technology, who may be interested in pursuing a career like yours, what advice would you give them?

Zachary Coulter: Always keep learning. Whether you know nothing of technology or are a technological genius, never stop learning about tech. Technology keeps changing, every single day.

GO BANG! Magazine: Ultimately, what do you plan to do with your skills in technology?

Zachary Coulter: I plan on creating an organization that focuses on teaching technology to poor communities. I want to create digital learning programs for kids, teens, and adults

GO BANG! Magazine: In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has caught the world off guard. How are you dealing with it?

Zachary Coulter: I’m joining everyone else in Quarantine (haha.) If I go out, I keep my distance from people and use hand sanitizer whenever I can. Also, I educate myself on how the virus works and the latest updates when it comes to a vaccine. In times like these, it’s always important to educate yourself.


Pierre A. Evans is a freelance writer of Entertainment, Music, Art, Culture, Fashion and Current Events, and previously for SoulTrain.com, NDigo.com, ChicagoDefender.com, EmpireRadioMagazine.com, and UrbanMuseMag.com, an author, singer/songwriter, actor, model, poet, dancer, and DJ. He is also the owner of Pinnacle Entertainment Productions. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram.

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